All Aboard the Pool Service Express!
Welcome to Weekly Houston Pool Service, where residents of Houston get professional help for their pool with our economical pool service plans. Being a family operated business with a strong industry background allows us to keep our mission statement simple - provide the most reliable & trustworthy workmanship in Houston Texas. No other Houston, TX pool company wants to earn and retain you as a weekly pool service customer more than we do! Our weekly pool cleanings are secured by our Pool Service Guarantee.

Choose from 2 Pool Service Plans Precisely Formulated for Houston Pools
For customers who have a spa attached to your inground pool, all pool service prices quoted will include your spa and this can alter the monthly cost.

Managing Houston Pools in 23 Service Points
Every week one of our experienced Houston pool technicians will perform these checks and operations:
- Temperature & pH Factor - assess
- Chlorine - preserve Sanitizing your pool water.
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) - assess Checking and measuring the amount of impurities.
- Chloramines - preserve Burns your eyes, we eliminate them.
- Cyanuric Acid - assess Looking for the proper amount.
- Total Alkalinity - preserve
- Total Chlorine (includes chloramines) - preserve
- pH Factor - preserve
- Salt Content - weekly on saltwater pools
- Water Hardness - assess
- Saturation Index - assess
- Filter backwashing: monthly for DE filters - weekly for sand filters
- Polaris / Pool Sweep: operation checked
- Polaris / Pool Sweep checked and cleaned
- Valves inspected Monitor and maintain valves for suction and circulation.
- Skimmer baskets checked and emptied
- Polaris / Pool Sweep debris bags checked and emptied
- Pump strainer baskets checked and emptied
- Hose Vacuum *
- Brush spa
- Netting of the pool (surface & bottom) *
- Brush walls and steps
- Leaf & Debris Vacuuming *
* All-inclusive Pool Service Plan Only
» View the All-inclusive Pool Service Plan Cost and Details
» View the Essentials Pool Service Plan Cost and Details
All Pool Plans Include our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
The peace of mind of every Houston homeowner is important to us. Learn More »
Houston Service Areas
The Grand City of Houston, TX
Houston is located three hours south of Dallas and two hours east of San Antonio. The border of Houston is very complicated, sprawling in many directions. The northern most portion of Houston can roughly be limited to the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. The southern border is found near South Beltway 8, the western border near Eldridge Park close to Cinco Ranch, and the eastern border near the shores of Clear Lake.
We're Delighted to Serve Houston
With our pool service plans, which are backed by our Pool Service Guarantee, your swimming pool will look pristine always.
Send us a message or call us at (713) 701-1888 if you would like to add your pool to our local route for pool service or get an estimate.
Our employees stand behind all of our guarantees and await the opportunity to serve you!